Creating a Bounding Box

Hey Guys,

I attempted at creating a bounding box inside an image with the rectangle shape, I managed to get the data as x,y,width and height. To solve this, I tried using the palette node-red-contrib-post-object-detection but still met Failure * ERR_DLOPEN_FAILED so is there any other way to solve it? Node-red-node-annotate-image was also tested out by me but no output obtained.

Hi @user1234,
Did you follow all the installation steps of that node? That is required because it uses the canvas npm package as a dependency for fast(er) drawing of the bounding boxes on the images.

Some other nodes (like e.g. node-red-contrib-object-detection) do it in pure javascript, so you don't need to do such extra build steps. But those use the pureimage npm package which is really slow and eats a lot of cpu. Which is not usable when you want to do a lot of image processing on hardware like e.g. a Raspberry Pi.

What is your use case? Do you need a lot of image processing?


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BTW for completeness: the fastest (native) bounding box drawing mechanism that I found in the past is tfjs. See here.

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