D2.0 - set path?

EDIT: Ahh, wait. I now understand what this warning means. This looks like it must have been an error in the D1->D2 conversion or import stages for me to have ended up with two page1 entries.

Hey gang,
I have a v1 dashboard that I have migrated (using the online tools). I wanted to take a look at it, but I'm warned that it has the same path as D2.0. I then went to change it and found it's not currently supported. Then I went to change the D1 path, but couldn't find the setting for it anywhere.

Can someone point me in the right direction, please? I need to be able to open both simultaneously so I can compare and adjust as necessary.

Thank you!


Have you imported a demo flow - it is likely you already had a page with a path set to /page1 - and now you have 2.

Use Node-RED find (ctrl=f) to find /page1 and change or remove one of them.

It's nice to be able to (partly) specify the URL to a particular page
eg localhost:1880/dashboard/lights rather than the long Name field

And I suppose it has to be unique (though it does seem to allow a null value, as the default db page)

It can though be annoying when you get caught by a duplicate when importing.
Perhaps an alternative if Path was the "primary key" at the top and Name defaulted to it?

It'd be nice to be rid of "dashboard" too.

NB Not requesting a change, nor criticising the design, just thinking via my fingertips.