Oh, I see! Here's the text translated into English:
Hello friend, is there anyone who can help me? Suddenly, the path flow fuse changed from /dashboard to /ui, and this caused the Node-RED dashboard to become inaccessible. How can I fix this?
There are now two versions of the dashboard one & two, version one uses /dashboard and version two uses /ui as endpoint. It would seem that your version of the dashboard nodes have changed.
Version two is now the go-to dashboard with the old version being deprecated.
Whether you can change that back to /dashboard I don't know.
My understanding is that the original dashboard node-red-dashboard is at IPAddress:1880/ui and the new one @flowfuse/node-red-dashboard uses /dashboard.
Since this is the opposite of what the OP reports and @gregorius' reply I decided to check by upgrading the new one from v1.21 to 1.22.1 and I can confirm that /ui still delivers the original dashboard, /dashboard delivers the new one. (at least for me, on a machine with both installed)
@joehi, the Node-red developers do make efforts to retain backwards compatibility; co-opting the original dashboard URL seems most unlike them.
Is it possible that you have both dashboards installed and that /dashboard still works as it should?
Where are you seeing it changed? If you mean clicking the button in the editor then if you have both dashboard installed both will be available. Describe exactly what you are doing please.
Thats screenshot does appear to be the FlowFuse Dashboard (Dashboard 2.0) ui-base node though, which is very bizarre.
I cannot fathom why that would have changed, there have been no code changes to that effect. When you first start Node-RED, you will see in the logs a print out something like this:
7 Feb 08:54:37 - [info] [ui-base:ISS Mimic] Node-RED Dashboard 2.0 (v1.22.1) started at /dashboard
What do you see in this line for the path at the end?
Joe. Is /dashboard enforced server side or does it use a value from the flow JSON? I'm wondering if something somehow has set a prop in the flow json to make it /ui? (Like a Chatgpt flow gen import or bad contrib nodes or manual edit, etc)
My suspicion is that @joehi is getting to the dashboard from the dashboard panel in the editor, and has both dashboards installed and is opening the wrong dashboard in the right hand panel in the editor.
This is likely... it does read from the flow.json, and we prevent editing from the UI, so the only plausible way I can see is a direct modification of the underlying flow.json
The screenshot is very clearly Dashboard 2' settings (disabled path, ui-base instead of ui_base and the App Icon field, which isn't present in Dashboard 1.0). Something else going on here