Dashboard 2 gauge linear mode dynmic properties

Using gauge linear nodewith ticks. Updating ticks via dynamic properties updates the number values, but the bar does not update the new tick values (1000->200, tick changes, but color bar does not change).

Node setting:

Result after dynamic update:

Known. Not a bug just not described how to do it properly. See here Using dynamic properties issue · Issue #9 · hotNipi/node-red-dashboard-2-ui-gauge-linear · GitHub

One downside is, that it is not possible to set the tick values and colors e.g once per day or so. If the page is reloaded, the static values are present until the values are set dynamically again. So the latest values set dynamically are not persistent.
Basically it would require to set the ticks, colors etc dynamically alongside with the payload value.

Whatever way it is, the thing you actually wanted is that it is actually in configuration what is proper at current moment. That moment is under your control and the dashboard gives to you all the tools to fire out the config when you need.

None of solutions can be perfect in that sense.

I wanted to point it out in case somebody else tries it out.
In the current status, whenever the page is loaded the ticks and color bars would need to be set again dynamically. In contrast, the actual value is stored. Let's say the value is written once per day, even after reload it would be visible. Only after a full deployment in node red it would be gone which is obvious.
So the current usecase for dynamic ticks and colors is rather limited. I just didn't expect it to behave like that..