Dashboard 2 subflow positioning

My idea is to use subflows to produce some standard widgets which can be reused. I think I do it like described in the documentation.
It works as expected - all is fine - but I am not able to position this different subflows on dashboard. For example I have a group with nn widgets mixed standard widgets and so called "subflow-widgets". The subflow-widgets are alway positioned at the beginning or the end - no chance to bring them in the right place.
I hope I could explain the situation.
Do you have an idea.

Manual re-ording of dashboard widgets in a subflow is not currently supported. you can cut and paste them to a regular flow, re-order them, then cut + paste them back into the subflow.

Alternatively, if you export the subflow you will see the "order": 1 property/value on each widget that you can manually edit then re-import the subflow.

Are you using the config type to pass in the config to the subflow?

Subflow design

Subflow instances

I think this question is about ordering multiple subflows within a group, rather than the ordering of widgets within a subflow. It is a known issue with no workaround that I was able to find. Unable to position a subflow containing a ui-node on the dashboard · Issue #710 · FlowFuse/node-red-dashboard · GitHub

Yeah you are right. Sorry for my late answer to Steve's input. I checked his hints and try again to arrange using a variety of spacer
The point is "ordering multiple subflows within a group" as you said. I use only one widget in such a subflow.
Sorry I don't find the issue #710
and thx for your help
p.s. I try to separate the widget from subflow and wait for a solution.
It would be nice because it makes the migration to dashboard 2 faster and cleaner

I don't understand. What happens when you click the link in my post?

No Colin - misunderstanding - I can read your hints and the issue. If I could find the issue earlier I don't ask my question and don't waste your time.

OK. I suggest adding a comment to the issue so that the developers know that it does affect users.

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