Dashboard2 sub-groups disappeared

Hi Nick,

I'm currently experimenting with Beta .4 in docker environment and had the following issue twice.

Some of Dashboard2 sub-groups had disappeared (working fine yesterday .. missing today)
.. this did not only happen in a single group (e.g. Media) but in several groups.
The log was showing the below error

I had not changed any of the groups or sub-groups for 1-2 weeks but had consolidated some of the ui-templates and moved them into sub-flows and assigning them to the sub-groups. I had done a full-deploy and all was working fine yesterday but this morning all the groups with ui-templates in sub-flows had disappeared (I might have restarted the docker ..not sure)

After rebuilding all the sub-groups all was fine again.

Anybody else has had this issue ? ... I will keep monitoring

Sorry, after reviewing ... I think this is an issue for DB2 categegory

Post moved to appropriate topic