Dashbord white screen issus

dashbord didn t show any of my flow on pi ui of nodered ,

node js v18.18.0
Node-RED core = 3.1.0

node-red-dashboard = 3.6.0

Hi @issambfs1

Open up the Browser Debug/Console - and check for errors in the console / network tab

16 Oct 19:18:40 - [info] Disabled node types:
16 Oct 19:18:40 - [info] - ui_audio
16 Oct 19:18:43 - [info] Disabled node types:
16 Oct 19:18:43 - [info] - ui_colour_picker
16 Oct 19:18:46 - [info] Enabled node types:
16 Oct 19:18:46 - [info] - ui_audio
16 Oct 19:18:47 - [info] Enabled node types:
16 Oct 19:18:47 - [info] - ui_colour_picker
16 Oct 19:19:37 - [info] Stopping flows
16 Oct 19:19:37 - [info] Stopped flows
16 Oct 19:19:37 - [info] Updated flows
16 Oct 19:19:37 - [info] Starting flows
16 Oct 19:19:38 - [info] [ui-base:UI Name] Node-RED Dashboard 2.0 (v0.6.1) started at /dashboard
16 Oct 19:19:38 - [info] [ui-base:UI Name] Created socket.io server bound to Node-RED port at path /dashboard/socket.io
16 Oct 19:19:38 - [info] Started flows
16 Oct 19:19:54 - [info] Stopping flows
16 Oct 19:19:54 - [info] Stopped flows
16 Oct 19:19:54 - [info] Updated flows
16 Oct 19:19:54 - [info] Starting flows
16 Oct 19:19:54 - [info] Started flows
16 Oct 19:20:32 - [info] Stopping flows
16 Oct 19:20:32 - [info] Stopped flows
16 Oct 19:20:32 - [info] Updated flows
16 Oct 19:20:32 - [info] Starting flows
16 Oct 19:20:33 - [info] Started flows

Thats not a browser log.

I mean Web Bowser log (The edge debug window)
Have it open and refresh

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
UI/:1 Refused to execute script from '' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.
app.min.js:539 Rendered successfully.
app.min.js:539 CSS for generated in 37ms
app.min.js:539 Less has finished. CSS generated in 37ms
app.min.js:150 You are using the ngTouch module.
AngularJS Material already has mobile click, tap, and swipe support...
ngTouch is not supported with AngularJS Material!
(anonymous) @ app.min.js:150
app.min.js:150 ReferenceError: io is not defined
at angular.module.service.connect (app.min.js:606:145)
at Object. (app.min.js:605:5924)
at Object.invoke (app.min.js:66:264)
at S.instance (app.min.js:120:161)
at p (app.min.js:94:161)
at g (app.min.js:87:186)
at app.min.js:86:311
at app.min.js:43:199
at m.$eval (app.min.js:177:180)
at m.$apply (app.min.js:177:423)
(anonymous) @ app.min.js:150

But then in your startup log

Node-RED Dashboard 2.0 (v0.6.1)

I don't know enough about dashboard (plenty here who do) - but have you installed 2 versions of the dashboard? if so, seems as if its caused issues in your installation

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note when i loging to browser of pi via vnc server the dashbord work fine

You seem to probably have Dashboard 1 and 2 both installed. This normally seems to work (mostly) but it is possible that sometihng got corrupted. Try removing Dashboard 2 and reinstalling Dashboard 1. Then try Dashboard 2 again if needed.

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it work fine after i login to new tap on chrome .

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