UI not showing when I enter URL

I have Node red v3.1 installed on my Rpi. I have a flow that deploys successfully. However, when I try to access the ui via 192.168.x.x:1880/ui, nothing shows up. Just a blank webpage and the tab at the top of the browser says "undefined"
Can anyone help this relatively noobie?

is it possible to share your flow ?
what dashboard nodes have you used in your flow ?

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Welcome to the forum @arniepodo

Tell us what hardware and OS you are running on please.

Also please stop node red and start it again in a command window, then copy/paste here the full output from the command window. Copy/paste please not screen shot.

What browser are you using and can you try a different one?

Also open the browser developer tools and refresh the page and see if any errors are shown.

Please try and answer all the questions.

I am running Raspberry Pi OS on a raspberry pi. I did try this on both chrome and microsoft edge with the same result.
Here is the command window output on node red startup:

"Start Node-RED

Once Node-RED has started, point a browser at
On Pi Node-RED works better with the Firefox or Chrome browser

Use node-red-stop to stop Node-RED
Use node-red-start to start Node-RED again
Use node-red-log to view the recent log output
Use sudo systemctl enable nodered.service to autostart Node-RED at every boot
Use sudo systemctl disable nodered.service to disable autostart on boot

To find more nodes and example flows - go to http://flows.nodered.org

Starting as a systemd service.
13 Nov 08:37:23 - [info]
Welcome to Node-RED

13 Nov 08:37:23 - [info] Node-RED version: v3.1.0
13 Nov 08:37:23 - [info] Node.js version: v18.18.2
13 Nov 08:37:23 - [info] Linux 6.1.21-v7+ arm LE
13 Nov 08:37:26 - [info] Loading palette nodes
13 Nov 08:37:31 - [info] UI started at /ui
13 Nov 08:37:32 - [info] Worldmap version 4.3.3
13 Nov 08:37:32 - [info] Dashboard version 3.6.1 started at /ui

I tried to post the whole output but the forum threw an error message:
"An error occurred: Sorry, new users can only put 2 links in a post."

Thank you and I hope you or anyone can help me solve this problem. I note that the flows were created using Node Red v2.2.2 a while ago.

Here is more of the command window output, beginning where my previous post left off:

13 Nov 08:37:34 - [warn] ------------------------------------------------------
13 Nov 08:37:34 - [warn] [node-red-dashboard/ui_button] 'ui_button' already registered by module node-red-contrib-ui_j
13 Nov 08:37:34 - [warn] [node-red-dashboard/ui_switch] 'ui_switch' already registered by module node-red-contrib-ui_j
13 Nov 08:37:34 - [warn] [node-red-dashboard/ui_slider] 'ui_slider' already registered by module node-red-contrib-ui_j
13 Nov 08:37:34 - [warn] [node-red-dashboard/ui_numeric] 'ui_numeric' already registered by module node-red-contrib-ui_j
13 Nov 08:37:34 - [warn] [node-red-dashboard/ui_text_input] 'ui_text_input' already registered by module node-red-contrib-ui_j
13 Nov 08:37:34 - [warn] [node-red-dashboard/ui_text] 'ui_text' already registered by module node-red-contrib-ui_j
13 Nov 08:37:34 - [warn] [node-red-dashboard/ui_gauge] 'ui_gauge' already registered by module node-red-contrib-ui_j
13 Nov 08:37:34 - [warn] [node-red-dashboard/ui_chart] 'ui_chart' already registered by module node-red-contrib-ui_j
13 Nov 08:37:34 - [warn] [node-red-dashboard/ui_toast] 'ui_toast' already registered by module node-red-contrib-ui_j
13 Nov 08:37:34 - [warn] [node-red-dashboard/ui_template] 'ui_template' already registered by module node-red-contrib-ui_j
13 Nov 08:37:34 - [warn] [node-red-dashboard/ui_link] 'ui_link' already registered by module node-red-contrib-ui_j
13 Nov 08:37:34 - [warn] [node-red-dashboard/ui_tab] 'ui_tab' already registered by module node-red-contrib-ui_j
13 Nov 08:37:34 - [warn] ------------------------------------------------------
More to come....

Here is the rest of the command window output:

13 Nov 08:37:34 - [warn] ------------------------------------------------------
13 Nov 08:37:34 - [info] Settings file : /home/pi/.node-red/settings.js
13 Nov 08:37:34 - [info] Context store : 'default' [module=memory]
13 Nov 08:37:34 - [info] User directory : /home/pi/.node-red
13 Nov 08:37:34 - [warn] Projects disabled : editorTheme.projects.enabled=false
13 Nov 08:37:34 - [info] Flows file : /home/pi/.node-red/flows.json
13 Nov 08:37:34 - [warn] Using unencrypted credentials
13 Nov 08:37:35 - [info] Server now running at
13 Nov 08:37:35 - [info] Starting flows
13 Nov 08:37:38 - [info] [tcp in:2c43dea5223df690] connecting to 130
13 Nov 08:37:38 - [info] [tcp out:de7ba34d066a9024] connecting to 9130
13 Nov 08:37:38 - [info] [tcp out:TCP to radio on COM18] connecting to 192.168.2 .118:9130
13 Nov 08:37:38 - [info] Started flows
13 Nov 08:37:38 - [error] [serialconfig:e8e5b26dca4edc29] serial port /dev/seria l/by-path/platform-3f980000.usb-usb-0:1.1:1.0-port0 error: Error: Error: No such file or directory, cannot open /dev/serial/by-path/platform-3f980000.usb-usb-0: 1.1:1.0-port0
13 Nov 08:37:38 - [error] [serialconfig:af33e31c.bca5e] serial port /dev/serial/ by-path/platform-3f980000.usb-usb-0:1.2:1.0-port0 error: Error: Error: No such f ile or directory, cannot open /dev/serial/by-path/platform-3f980000.usb-usb-0:1. 2:1.0-port0
13 Nov 08:37:38 - [info] [tcp in:2c43dea5223df690] connected to 30
13 Nov 08:37:38 - [info] [tcp out:de7ba34d066a9024] connected to 130
13 Nov 08:37:38 - [info] [tcp out:TCP to radio on COM18] connected to 192.168.2. 118:9130

You have installed two different dashboards, which are conflicting. node-red-dashboard and node-red-contrib-ui_j. You need to uninstall node-red-contrib-ui_j. You will have to do that using the command line. Go into your .node-red folder (that is important) on the pi and run
npm remove node-red-contrib-ui_j
then restart node-red.

Thank you Colin. I did as you instructed, but the problem persists. Anything else to suggest? I did clear the cache on my browser but that did not help either.

What is the startup log showing now?

Are you still getting warnings like

13 Nov 08:37:34 - [warn] [node-red-dashboard/ui_tab] 'ui_tab' already registered by module node-red-contrib-ui_j ?

Yes, I am!

Starting as a systemd service.
13 Nov 09:48:56 - [info]
Welcome to Node-RED

I re-ran the npm remove command and it seemed to work properly. Here is the command window output:
pi@nodered:~ $ npm remove node-red-contrib_ui_j

up to date, audited 1 package in 2s

found 0 vulnerabilities

However, the problem persists.

You need to run the npm command in the userDir which is /home/pi/.node-red (note the . before node-red.

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As I said

It should say that it has removed packages when you run the command.

Thanks Ben! That did the trick. UI still needs work but at least it does come up now. SO I need to work on layout.
THanks Ben and Colin and all for the help.
I will mark this as solved for now.

Colin, I guess I missed that crucial detail. Thanks for all your help!

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