Duplicated data

I want to write msg.payload data in my dashboard.
I want to put the msg.addr data in the first vertical line and the msg.c_rate data in the second vertical line. This is the template source I wrote.

<table layout="row" layout-align="start center" id="table" border="0.5" cellpadding="15">
     <tr ng-repeat="row1 in msg.addr">
      <td ng-class="numeric" >{{row1}}</td>
     <tr ng-repeat="row2 in msg.c_rate">
      <td ng-class="center text-black" >{{row2}}</td>

Here, when the same data as the msg.c_rate data comes in, it does not appear in the template. Help me.


It would help if you could provide the raw json data you expect to be rendered into this table...

But one issue I suspect is that you are trying to render the individual columns of data into separate <tbody> elements. Instead, you will probably have to render 1 tbody, with N rows, each with 2 columns (addr & rate).