Email successfully sent : status report missing

I was using NodeRed 0.19.
When I sent an email, I could get some status information.
The status data were like this while sending :

29/03/2019 à 09:47:31[node: f0727040.30f1e]( : Object
status: object
**text: "email.status.sending**"
source: object
id: "b03fc5ab.b67158"
type: "e-mail"
name: ""
_msgid: "461c327a.3cc38c"

and the status returned this whe the mail was correctly sent :

 29/03/2019 à 09:47:33[node: f0727040.30f1e]( : Object
status: object
**text: ""**
source: object
id: "b03fc5ab.b67158"
type: "e-mail"
name: ""
_msgid: "8b69cc9.78f773"

The text:"""" told me that the mail had been sent.

Now, with the new NodeRed 0.20, with NodeJs updated and the nodes email also updated, I still receive the information 'sending', or 'failed', but when the mail is correctly send, the object doesn't include anymore the field "text". and so, I can not control anymore that the mail has been sent.
Is this a bug in this new email node (NodeRed 0.20), or is there something else to control to be sure that the mail has been sent?

Can you put a debug node on the status, showing complete message, and show us what it says?


Here are the results of the debug node

08/04/2019 à 14:01:22node: 11b07995.537ed6msg
: Object

status: object

fill: "blue"

shape: "dot"

text: "email.status.sending"

source: object

id: "bed8653e.500358"

type: "e-mail"

name: ""

_msgid: "bed06f21.7c65e"

08/04/2019 à 14:01:35node: 11b07995.537ed6

msg : Object


status: object

source: object

id: "bed8653e.500358"

type: "e-mail"

name: ""

_msgid: "69c7b7ae.eb0328"

So here, you can see that there is no
more information showing that the mail has been correctly sent.

Versions used :
Node-RED version: v0.20.3
Node.js version: v10.15.3

in the previous version of nodeRed (0.19), there was no problem, and the status node returned :

status: object
text: ""

when the mail was correctly sent. now, with version 0.20, this field doesn't exists anymore, and I have nothing to know that the mail has been correctly sent.

Cordialement, Best Regards.

Does not the fact that you get a message saying email.status.sending followed by another message indicate that it has sent it ok? I can't test this myself at the moment though to see if I can replicate. It does look like a bug though.
Probably worth testing with 0.20.5 before reporting it as an issue. I assume the email node should be the latest version so worth checking that too.

When I get a message when the mail has been correctly sent, the version of the email node is 1.2.9.
The version on wich I get the problem is the 1.30.

and no, getting a message following the email.status.sending is not enough. In fact, if the previous version, it was very easy to test something like text="". No, I can not test anything, because this answer does not exist anymore. So, I have nothing to test. This is the problem

So, any idea?

you could use if (!msg.status.hasOwnProperty("text") {...
The odd thing is that the line that sets that status hasn't changed for many versions...
(much to Colin's annoyance :slight_smile:

I don't understand that, your debug screenshot shows two messages, one with email.status.sending then another with no text. Why can't you use the fact that there is no text field to indicate ok?

Hi colin
The problem is that I don't know how
to test this.
What would be the syntax to test that
there is no text propery?
And the problem is that the version
1.2.9 has got a different behaviour of the version 1.3.0 (or Node-red 0.19
and 0.20)
In my domain, this is not acceptable.
When an application runs, it must run on any version of runtime.
There must not be a different behaviour
beetween 2 version of the same item (email out, in my case).
Cordialement, Best Regards.

The syntax to test for presence is as I showed you above.
I can also assure you that that line of code in the email node hasn't changed, so yes it must be something introduced by the updated version of Node-RED. That needs to be investigated.
It can be fixed in the email node of course, but I need to check the core reason first.

thanks a lot.
Let me know if you find the problem
and the solution
Cordialement, Best Regards.

pushed version 1.4.0 for you
(and some goodness for @Colin)

Thanks for your help
Do you have an idea of the release date?
Cordialement, Best Regards.

Thanks, sadly I am not in a position to experiment at the moment, but will add it to the list of goodies to try out. :slight_smile:

I wouldn’t hold your breath :slight_smile:

Thanks you colin and dceejay.
Now i have re-installed node.js, node-red,
etc on my PLC, and what i get is very nice :

I see that you have fixed the problem
with the version 1.4.0 of the email nodes.
Cordialement, Best Regards.

For future reference, probably all you needed to do was to upgrade the email node to the latest version.

Was the version 1.4.0 and the bugfix alreday
planned before my post?
Cordialement, Best Regards.

It was planned when I replied about 9 h ago !

I am very surprised about the reaction time. That’s great!