Error: connect ENOENT /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket

Hello, I have node-red installed on a synology NAS, and it shows me this error in the log:

Error connecting to dbus: Error: connect ENOENT /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket

Node-red works fine for me, accesses modbus and writes and reads from victron inverters there. Everything looks fine. But it gives this error...

You don't know where the problem is.
I installed node-red according to this guide: How to Install Node-RED on Your Synology NAS – Marius Hosting I just changed the second line from -p 6335:1880 \ to -p 1881:1880 \

It tries to access this path:

But you are running node-red on a synology, which means docker and docker means container, which are isolated from the host system - it will not be able to reach this path.

Are you trying to play audio or something else similar?

Have a nice day,
nope, i'm just communicating via modbus with the victron inverter...

Something in your flows is trying to access dbus. I suggest you disable all the flow tabs and make sure it stops, then enable tabs until it happens again, hopefully that will give you a clue about it.

Thanks for the information. If so, that's great. I thought the problem was directly with node-red, if it's a problem with some flow, I'll find it soon and fix it :).

I guess I identified the culprit: it's the library: @victronenergy/node-red-contrib-victron , after removing it no more messages :).

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