FlowFuse: How do you you setup HTTPS on a local install with your own certs?

I installed the locally hosted version of FlowFuse but can't find any documentation on how to copy my own certificate to the server and access FlowFuse via HTTPS. I would appreciate it if anyone could provide some pointers or links to documentation. I did find documentation for other installations like Docker, etc., but not for the locally installed version.

Currently, HTTPS isn't supported for local installation.

Note that the local install does not currently support HTTPS.

Is there some way to expose a local on prem install to the internet securely?

Yes... Dont :wink:

The subject of security has been covered many many times on the forums (and many examples of hijacked instances)

If possible use VPN, or some kind of ACL'd proxy service.
many services provide an SSL layer if proxying.

@TotallyInformation is your guide here (Sorry Julian)

But with FlowFuse, im not sure if there are other hurdles, such as each project is given a different port :man_shrugging:

As Marcus says - best not to expose the Editor at least and even be cautious about any user UI's like Dashboard or UIBUILDER.

Most secure method remains using a 3rd-party external service such as Cloudflare Zero Trust, Zerotier or NGROK.

While you can use your own revers proxy service (such as NGINX for example), I don't recommend that unless you really know what you are doing. And even then I don't really recommend it on a home router.

You should note that I'm currently aware of yet another brute-force botnet operating globally at the moment that is targeting VPN and SSH including on some home routers so I don't really recommend those on a home router either, best to use an external service, all of which also include user identity management and include external attack mitigations that would be hard if not impossible to reproduce on low-cost networks.

Yes, check out the security topic in the FAQ's section.

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