Flows stopped due to missing node types: A feature suggestion to help


Didnt check but I didn't change anything explicitly around that.

Yeah, possible.
I would (personally) like to see (like on mobile phones) is the default action has a timeout number appended in brackets & is primary

(web image ...)

successful deploy but unused config nodes remain

Is there anyone that actually does something with unused config nodes other than removing them manually ?

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I have several hanging around (like MQTT and SQL configs) but remove the parent nodes. This is so if I'm testing something I don't have to remember or dig out connection details.

It'd be nice to not be reminded every time since it's deliberate.

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No, I didn't know that. It's not self-explanatory either.

Well hopefully, if the suggestion makes the cut for v3, it will have a nice and obvious "close" button.

Note. PR has been raised: Add "search for" buttons to notifications by Steve-Mcl Ā· Pull Request #3567 Ā· node-red/node-red Ā· GitHub


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