We are developing a module with fourteen nodes, which we want to share with our QA colleagues through an in-company package repository before publishing them to NPM. We also provide a catalog.json file with the relevant releases on our intranet, so the colleagues can use the standard Manage Palette menu option of Node-RED.
We had chosen to use SemVer versioning with pre-release appendix at the patch level, to prevent future version gaps when we go public with those nodes.
We face two issues:
- The Palette editor (node-red/editor-client/src/js/ui/pallette-editor.js) form only checks the major.minor.patch numbers of versions to determine if a module can be updated,
- In our catalog.json we can point to a private npm registry (Verdaccio), but the installer (node-red/registry/lib/installer.js) does not support npm's --registry command line option
I would suggest to make a pull request to add full support for semver comparison in palette-editor.js and one for adding optional support for configuring a private registry url in the settings.js, which installer.js will use as an extra argument to the npm command line.