Get lights to flash when phone receives calls/messages

I would like my house lights to flash (preferable in different colours, depending on the notification) when my phone receives notifications (calls, messages, and so on). Is this possible in Node red?

Thanks guys!

What kind of phone? Your POTS landline, a VoIP phone or a mobile phone?

Super modern technology; a mobile phone :sweat_smile:
Huawei P20 Pro to be exact

You can't do this with just node-red. You need something that will trigger when a call comes in and will pass that to node-red somehow. As that is an Android phone, you probably have lots of options. You can even run Node-RED on the phone.

You need:

  • An app that knows when the phone rings and is able to communicate that fact elsewhere
  • A connection between your phone and Node-RED
  • A flow in Node-RED to take the notification and convert it or use it how you want.

Install automate or tasker on your phone, These apps can send http request when your phone rings etc.


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