Getting Automagic for Android messages back to Node-RED

Current status (thanks for all the suggestions BTW)

Just set gmail to allow insecure apps and setup filter rule so any email from Automagic is labeled and sent to its own folder so it doesn't pollute my Inbox

Also got the Tasker MQTT plugin installed so I can send messages that route as well/maybe instead of

My main use case idea is to get WhatsApp message alerts/incoming phone call happening into Node-RED and then get Node-RED to to shout out to all Alexas in the house.

I've got a Fitbit watch (old model that daughter passed on when she upgrade to Apple Watch) but that doesn't alert when out of range of my phone so this is my attempt to work around that

So, if I just send MQTT messages to my house broker - that'll prob do what I want since no point in getting Alexa's to shout out if I'm not at home :slight_smile:

So currently got Alexa in my room shouting out on any WhatsApp alert (need to implement a 9pm->9am curfew on that)

Since I've worked out that I only need to send messages when I'm at home on the LAN network - using http requests could be the method to use

Because, for some reason, when I leave the house and return, Automagic doesn't reliably send MQTT messages out anymore but the http requests it makes seem to work

[edit]More testing required as I went to pick my phone up and suddenly got my last 3 whatapps messages appearing in Node-RED[/edit]

Make sure your automagic app is not being battery optimised. When you picked it up the device was probably woken up.

I think you may have hit on it as it happened last night when I left the phone while having tea - this time the phone was thru in another room

But it doesn't explain why the http request got thru - more testing needed

If you are picking up on notifications, may be the nofications don't get picked up till device is woken up.

The notifications are being picked up consistently, immediately and reliably by the Automagic flow that's sending the http requests - its the MQTT ones that aren't making it to my broker reliably and timely

More investigations going on :slight_smile:
@Dave - You say without issue :slight_smile:

Do you have Tasker itself installed as well as Automagic or just the plugin like me?

No I don't have Tasker installed, just AutoMagic and the mqtt plugin, I added the 'without issue' statement because I read some comments on the play google page for this plugin that it wasn't reliable, but as I say I have no problems it has been working consistently for me. v1.4.0 no idea if that's the latest ? (I don't have a android phone so I have no idea if this could be the problem)

My Usage.. I have a cheap android tablet mounted on the wall, its is only used to display my dashboard controls nothing else, it normally runs on battery power, I get a battery % mqtt message from AutoMagic each 30 sec, in node-red I display the battery state on the dashboard also i check if the battery state is <50% if it is nr turns the power on to the tablet via a small relay until the battery reaches 100% I also control the tablet display with the same relay when power is applied the tablet the screen starts up by default and displays my dashboard, the display is timed out using AutoMagic dreamtime via mqtt which turns off the relay/display etc etc

mmm - looked at those reviews and that's the sort of thing that's happening to me

Since it hasn't been updated in 5 years, I imagine its just not kept up with Android OS developments

Not going to pursue it and going to switch over to @E1cid http method as its all within my LAN and messages from it have come thru every time so far

I'm using Tasker with the Webneurons MQTT client. Much more stable then the one mentioned above. Also, you can subscribe to MQTT topics and get incoming messages. Highly recommended.

Thanks for this info - it seems I can use it from within Automagic and its working now
I'll see if it works reliably :slight_smile:

[edit] It's survived its 1st reboot and still sending messages out[/edit]

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