A while ago I went though the motions of making a calculator.
Nothing too fancy, but to play with buttons and be a bit of help for people.
Out of curiosity I was looking in the library for Node-Red and I can't find it.
Is that a problem with the library or what?
Thanks in advance.
You haven't given enouge information. Please be more specific.
- Did you create a flow that included UI noes to display the calculator?
- What does github have to do with this?
- are you still running the same flows?
- did you export the flow into the node-red library?
I am sorry I didn't give enough information, but it is not something I do every day.
I was messing around with the GUI and buttons.
I had problems with them and after working out how to use the buttons, I wrote the calculator FLOW to share with people.
It is a basic calculator with the 0 - 9 buttons, basic maths buttons (+ - * / and =).
And a result box/display.
There is also a CLEAR and CLEAR ALL button.
To me that is confusing, but I have to "dance to the music playing" if I want to be accepted.
I wrote out a fairly detailed description on how to use the flow and what it did/doesn't do.
It was accepted - or so I thought. I didn't really keep tabs on it. It went in and there were no errors reported to me, so "it worked".
To upload it I went to the FLOWS button (top right of the page. Just beside the github button) and clicked on the "Add a flow" button and went though the motions put to me.
That sent me to github.
To submit flows github is required - from what I see/saw.
So I had to make a github login, and upload it via it.
As stated, there were no errors reported back to me at the time, so I didn't think it "failed".
But it isn't there.
It was a while back now. I can't even guess at a date so I won't pretend to offer one.
Is that any clearer?
WRT point 3:
I don't get what you mean. It is not a "backed up flow" but more one I wrote and wanted to share in the library.
Sorry I can't be any clearer. But I am telling you what I know/remember.
I'm not aware of any issues - and I see others have added flows quite recently.
If you can't remember what you called it or when you did it, there's not much I can do to check the logs for any errors.
However, the reason it requires you to login with a github account is that it stores the flow in your own github account as a 'gist'.
If you go to https://gist.github.com/<Insert Your GitHub username here>
you may find it listed there. If it is, please share the full url to it and I will be able to use that to see if I can find it in the Flow Library database.
After a bit of digging, it was shortly after 1 July.
Because I had this thread going while I was writing it:
My calculator thread
And I know about that time I completed it and uploaded it.
sign onto GitHub then go to https://gist.github.com and you should see the following
notice under your icon/image is 'See all of your gists'?
click on that and you should see any gists you uploaded.
Although not good news, it would seem I don't have any. 
Yeah, "security issue" at my end. Maybe.
Confused - locally.