HELP! Displaying Dashboard on public webpage like Wordpress


I am looking to figure out a way to display my Nodered dashboard on a website like wordpress. I am building my own personal resume portfolio site and I built a dashboard in node red I want displayed on my website that users can interact with.

I currently have Node Red running locally on my machine and the dashboard is created and accessible locally.

I tried Googling everywhere for the easiest solution but can't find a guide besides port forwarding my local ip/port for of the dashboard.

Does anyone have a few mins that can point me in the right direction?

Here is a video of my dashboard I made that I want displayed. (I am slow mentally but still learning!)

This is difficult, if not impossible while maintaining reasonable security.

Unless, that is, you host your own Wordpress site (or at least can use a custom domain) and expose Dashboard via something like Cloudflare. Then yuo would need to make sure that both endpoints appear to the outside world as though they are on the same domain (e.g. and That way you won't get any cross-domain security issues.

Needless to say that you MUST use HTTPS with a properly configured certificate for both WP and Dashboard. WP is notorious for being hacked and we are seeing regular hacks of unprotected Node-RED sites so you really do need to be careful.

Hello! thank you for your reply. I will look into this further. I wish I had the foresight and understanding when I spent dozens of hours building the tool I made in NodeRed... I am still trying to figure out a way to use my node red flows with wordpress or a website. Thanks again! Do you know if the flowfuse free tier could work to host my dashboard for this?

I don't believe that it allows custom domains? Not sure. You might be able to work without having a single domain but there are lots of potential issues with cross-domain security and my knowledge of that isn't sufficient for me to predict.

You CAN do this for free with self-hosting though. That's because a service like Cloudflare Zero Trust will let you do everything you need and will add extra security that would be really hard to do reliably for yourself.

Personally, I gave up on WordPress years ago after many years of slow and insecure hosting. If I needed a public facing or login-protected Internet-facing data-driven website now, I would use Node-RED and UIBUILDER to create the suitable end points and would expose the end points via Cloudflare Zero Trust.

Otherwise, I am now switching to Astro (after some years of using Hugo) for my public-facing web sites. They are all static sites and so are both secure and very fast.

I was hosting on the Netlify free tier but I am currently switching over to the Cloudflare Pages free tier since everything else (DNS, cloud security, etc) is done via Cloudflare.

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