Hi All,
Looking for some assistance on how to formulate or prep an object that i retrieved from a db query and post to Telegram
Hi All,
Looking for some assistance on how to formulate or prep an object that i retrieved from a db query and post to Telegram
So, basically you want to extract a string from inside an object and this object is itself an element of an array. Seems dauting to find the path to recover this string but you can use a resource in the debug node to make it easier. Here an example to illustrate.
If you click on the path icon you will get the location of the property in the object. In my example I got payload[0].sla_detail
Hi Andrei, thank you for your reply.
I got the same path.
unsure of how to format it
msg.payload = {};
msg.payload.type = 'message';
msg.payload.content = + msg.payload[0];
msg.payload.chatId = -xxxxxxxx
return msg;
Put that in the payload.content
var text = msg.payload[0].sla_detail;
msg.payload = {};
msg.payload.type = 'message';
msg.payload.content = text;
msg.payload.chatId = -xxxxxxxx
return msg;
Thank you again Steve, thank you for educating me. forever grateful
The reason it works is, we store the value from the database in a temporary var
iable (text) before we overwrite the msg.payload with a new empty object {}
- at which point we destroy the databases payload
Afternoon Steve, I trust that you are doing well.
Thank you for all your assistance and your great code.
With your assistance I am now able to to read from a database all the IP addresses that will be ping at a time interval. The idea was to get a Telegram notification when a device goes offline via ping. That all is working great.
The problem or challenge now comes in when a lot goes down at the same time Telegram is overwhelmed by all the messages, can you assist with maybe a delay between lets say after pinging every 5 addresses rest for 5 seconds and continue where it left off?
const chatId = -437570160; // << update this
if (!msg.ping.host) return null; //ensure host has a value
var pingMonitor = flow.get("pingMonitor") || {};//get lookup object ||or|| a new empty object
var pingPrev = pingMonitor[msg.ping.host] || {};//this ping monitor object ||or|| a new empty object
var sendTelegram = false;
//if ping is good, you get a number in payload...
if (typeof msg.payload == "number" && pingPrev.status === "bad" ) {
pingPrev.status = "good";
msg.payload = {};
msg.payload.type = 'message';
msg.payload.content = `${msg.ping.name} (${msg.ping.host}) is now back online & operational!`;
msg.payload.chatId = chatId;
sendTelegram = true;
} else if (msg.payload === false && (pingPrev.status === "good" || !pingPrev.status)) {
pingPrev.status = "bad";
msg.payload = {};
msg.payload.type = 'message';
msg.payload.content = `${msg.ping.name} (${msg.ping.host}) seems to be OFFLINE`;
msg.payload.chatId = chatId;
sendTelegram = true;
//update context
pingPrev.datetime = new Date();
pingPrev.host = msg.ping.host;
pingPrev.name = msg.ping.name;
pingMonitor[msg.ping.host] = pingPrev;
flow.set("pingMonitor", pingMonitor);
if (sendTelegram) return msg;
return null;
I have also uploaded the flow for you. Thank you for looking.
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