Home Assistant Insteon Thermostat Intergration

I currently have Home Assistant and Node Red integrated with. Insteon, Zwave and Zigbee. Using Debug mode and going node by node I was able to figure everything out up until this question. I am having trouble with my Insteon thermostat. I am assuming I need some sort of JSON to trigger anything on the thermostat.

Does anyone have any idea of how to do that. I am most interested in triggering the AC and heat to come on at a set temperature. If I can do that, I can work my way through the other issues.



Welcome to the forums @Sparks70b

On the basis the Insteon is exposed/managed inside Home Assistant, I feel this is better answered by that community.

Many here do not use Home Assistant.

At a guess you need to use some HA Node, to address the thermo, and send it a command, but that is where many here won't know, given its a HA specific.

I figured it out. I will post what I did here in case anyone else has this question. I loaded the climate set temperature node. I could not figure out what Json code to use. It was my first time using this node and I failed to scroll to the bottom and all property were listed. I just put them in JSON format and put it in data and it worked. My AC immediately kicked on


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