That would be useful
No visualisation yet but something to grab whole topic hierarchies - put this into a function node:
// Just a safety measure to prevent too much recursion
// Change if you have crazy deep topic hierarchies
const maxLevels = 9
function doTopic(topicsPart, keys, level = 0) {
if (level > maxLevels) return // no infinite loops!
let key
if (Array.isArray(keys) && keys.length > 1) {
// Grab the top level key (make sure it is a string)
// MQTT topic parts could be number - don't want an accidental array
key = `${keys.shift()}`
// Make sure that the property exists as the next level
if (!topicsPart[key]) topicsPart[key] = { _count: 1 }
else topicsPart[key]._count++
// Recurse to the next level
doTopic(topicsPart[key], keys, level++)
} else {
// Must be at the end of the topic chain
if (!Array.isArray) keys = [keys] // make sure it is an array
// MQTT topic parts could be number
key = `${keys[0]}` // make sure it is a string
if (!topicsPart[key]) topicsPart[key] = { _count: 0 }
topicsPart[key]._value = msg.payload
topicsPart[key]._userProperties = msg.userProperties
const topics = flow.get('mqtt') ?? {}
const splitTopic = msg.topic.split('/')
doTopic(topics, splitTopic)
// flow.set('mqttTopics', topics)
flow.set('mqtt', topics)
// Don't do this with bazilions of topics!
return msg
Working here ok Julian
I just need to get round to creating a visual UI now.
A bit of progress made on a visualisation:
This is just the tree view. The values will be moved to a details pane, out of the tree. Also, this is just the initial display, it is built from the cached data in Node-RED. A bit of tweaking of the CSS still needed.
The cache is triggered when you first load the page. I'm using UIBUILDER of course, so the cache replay is automatic.
I then need to do the individual record updates.
Here is the flow that generates everything.
Looks good.
I was thinking of doing something like that (but not made any progress).
I intended to show a count of messages per topic rather than the most recent value because occasionally I suspect something has gone wrong and MQTT may be in a loop.
I'd been thinking about it on and off since MQTT v5 landed and the author of MQTT Explorer had announced that he wasn't continuing development.
This was the impetus I needed. Along with the fact that UIBUILDER now makes doing dynamic interfaces so much easier even without a framework. No need to mess with the weirdness of the DOM.
More progress, actually a lot easier than expected:
Less than 150 lines of front-end code including plenty of blank lines and comments.
So sorry, this is something you wrote?
I could only aspire to that.
(Where could I get it?)
Something I'm working on that was triggered by this thread.
Actually, thanks to the help that both Node-RED and UIBUILDER give, it isn't anywhere near as bad as it might appear.
It is still a work in progress - rather than pollute this thread even further, why don't I start a new thread. Eventually I will publish the full example in the Flows but people might be interested in following along.
The other thread:
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