Hi there
Recently we have been struggling to get SSO with Azure to work on our Node-RED applications.
We have a specific Active Directory group called "ADGroup_NodeRed" and we only wanted users in that group to be able to log into Node-RED.
So, I thought it was a good idea to post our learnings here to help someone else if they have the same problem.
This post helped a lot as a starting point.
For SSO to work, the following must be in place on Azure:
1. An application is registered on Azure so that we can get the following information:
a. Client ID
b. Tenant ID
c. Client Secret
2. The Azure application has a correctly configured token (see below).
3. The correct AD Group is specified on the application.
4. The redirect URL is configured on the application.
Azure Token Configuration
In Azure, under "Token Configuration", ensure that "groups" is one of the claims that are configured. If you edit the "groups" options (three dots), make sure that "sAMAccountName" is selected. This ensures that Azure replies to Node-RED with the group name. Other claims that we have in this page are "acct" and "email".
Node-RED Configuration
We need the node-red-contrib-passport-azure-ad
module to be installed. I installed it via "Manage palette" in the Node-RED GUI, but you should be able to install it via npm:
npm install node-red-contrib-passport-azure-ad
Next we need to edit the Node-RED settings.js file:
- Comment the current "adminAuth" section out, since there can only be one of these sections in the settings.js file (this means you cannot have local accounts AND Active Directory accounts using Node-RED!).
- Create a new "adminAuth" section as follow:
adminAuth: {
type: "strategy",
strategy: {
name: "azuread-openidconnect",
label: 'Sign in with Azure',
icon: "fa-windows",
strategy: require("passport-azure-ad").OIDCStrategy,
options: {
identityMetadata: "https://login.microsoftonline.com/###YOUR AZURE TENANT ID###/v2.0/.well-known/openid-configuration",
clientID: "###YOUR AZURE CLIENT ID###",
clientSecret: "###YOU AZURE CLIENT SECRET###",
responseType: "code",
responseMode: "query",
redirectUrl: "###URL to Node-RED###/auth/strategy/callback",
allowHttpForRedirectUrl: true,
scope: ['email', 'profile'],
verify: function (profile, done) {
// Custom logic to verify group membership
const requiredGroup = 'ADGroup_NodeRed';
// Check if the user belongs to the required group
if (profile._json.groups && profile._json.groups.includes(requiredGroup)){
// User is in the required group
profile.username = profile._json.preferred_username;
done(null, profile);
else {
//User is not in the required group
done(new Error('User is not in the correct AD Group.'));
users: function (user) {
return Promise.resolve({ username: user, permissions: "*" });
- Restart your Node-RED application to apply the new settings.js file. You should then be greeted with a login screen in Node-RED GUI like this.