Hi all,
I am using NodeRed within HomeAssistant...
I am using a package "node-red-contrib-solaredge" which allows me to connect to the SolarEdge Monitoring API.
This package / palette does include two commands: "Details" and "Overview"
But the API does allow some more commands to get certain other information.
How could I Update the possible commands "easily" ?
I've forked the origin project on git hub but I do struggle with how I can import this into my NodeRed...
thanks for your help and suggestions and with regards,
If you have forked it on github then you can install your fork by going to your .node-red folder and running npm install your_git_username/node-red-contrib-solaredge
Unfortunately, sincec NodeRed is running within HomeAssistant, I can't really use npm... the only way I've found would be an upload as tgz file.. but I am not sure, how exactly I can acheive this...
I've downloaded the fork as tar.gz - but I think, the folder structure isn't correct...
Hello @ChristophCaina, did you used some sort of "structure" for the tgz file, or just "dump" the files in like you have in the listing screenshot?
I am new to this type of "custom install" for Home Assistant (or Node Red in general) and I could not find a download for a "ready" .tgz file.
I am getting an error "module not found".
created the .tgz by running:
"tar -czvf node-red-contrib-solaredge-2.tgz node-red-contrib-solaredge-2/"