I am very new to node red and the linux operating system (3 weeks).I am using a raspberry pi 3 and I have been trying to make a temperature gauge with node red which hooks up to a small 5 inch tft screen. The idea is that when the pi boots up it automatically displays the dashboard i have made which shows temperature. However, i have to manually refresh the page when it starts to see the dashboard, which isnt ideal.
I was wondering if there was away that the dashboard loads up without me having to hit refresh on a tiny screen.
I am aware I might have missed out some details but hopefully you get the gist.
I have set it up in full screen mode. From what I understand Kiosk mode stops you from going out of the window which I don't want as I'm still in the early stages of making my flow.
Your Node-RED instance is installed in the very same Raspberry Pi where you are trying to run the dashboard ? Perhaps Node-RED is installed in another machine ?
I can not imagine why your are getting those warnings.
There are a couple of similar posts in the forum, like this one. Perhaps you can get some clue by reading those posts.
I guess what is happening is that the browser is starting up before node-red gets going (the browser is running on the same pi I assume) so it can't connect and shows the errors. Then node-red gets going, but it is too late as the browser has already given up.
If that is the case there isn't much that node red can do about it as the browser isn't connected to node-red. You could try putting a delay in the browser auto start so that it waits for node-red to get going before starting up.
I have just booted it up this morning. I noticed I had to reload the page multiple times before it would run. I knew that before I had to wait a long time for the flow to actually work upon booting up the pi but the browser was ready before then. I'll take a look at what @Andrei has linked me. Thank you both for helping!
Save the above to /home/pi/start-chromium.sh (note the addition of & at the end of chromium line to start chromium as a background process, thus allowing the script to end immediately instead of waiting for chromium to close)
"Run chmod u+x start-chromium.sh" to give execute permission.
Replace chromium line in X startup script with "@/home/pi/start-chromium.sh"
I'm really not that familiar with the terminal, I literally just copy what different threads say work and hope it doesnt mess things up. Is someone able to walk me through this? I was originally doing all the start-up stuff in this directory.
When doing the sudo nano stuff again to the directory which was said in the entry it says this is writing a new file. Is this correct to go forward?
also the last two lines in the entry I'm not sure what they mean.
The contents of the autostart file is as follows:
// @lxpanel --profile LXDE-pi @pcmanfm --desktop --profile LXDE-pi
#@screensaver -no-splash @xset s off @xset -dpms @xset s noblank @chromiuim-browser --start-fullscreen @point-rpi
Im not sure if anything can be placed in here to stop the browser loading before node red has set up the local webpage.
Before we start off please double check your file. There is a typo in the following line. Maybe you want to correct it and test again before doing any other changes.
--disable-quic --enable-tcp-fast-open --ppapi-flash-path=/usr/lib/chromium-browser/libpepflashplayer.so --ppapi-flash-args=enable_stagevideo_auto=0 --ppapi-flash-version=
[3746:3746:0630/212154.833772:ERROR:zygote_host_impl_linux.cc(89)] Running as root without --no-sandbox is not supported. See https://crbug.com/638180.
I am getting this error. I had to use sudo command as well to get this to work. (well not work)
I right clicked on the file on the interface and on properties it says that root is the owner.
Shall I create a new file?
and do i need to delete the old one? if so how.