How to use OCPP in Node-Red

There has been a few topics on this with some specific questions, but I am afraid I need some support from the very beginning.

I want to communicate with OCPP capable EVSEs. There are 3 of them at (my friends) place. I downloaded the OCPP nodes looked at the examples, but I am not sure if I fully understand the basics.

I assumed I can simply use a CP Request node to query the EVSEs directly. In the configuration I provided the Charge Box ID for the EVSEs and was planning to issue a GetConfiguration request initially. But I am not able to connect. I have not set up anything on the EVSEs, I just initially assumed that with the Charge Box ID I can talk to it directly.

Was my assumption incorrect? Do I necessarily need to set up a CS server in Node-Red and the EVSEs would be connected to that? The communication is always through a CS server?

Can somebody please walk through the basic process how it needs to be set up? This is not a public charge place, just a residential home with 3 chargers and I was hoping to integrate the EVSEs into a smart home system using OCPP.

Good question!
I get my first EV on Tuesday, and also interested in OCPP integration.

I'll share some info (working flows) over the weekend if I get time/remember.

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