I have issue when i connect MSSQL with Node Red


Good! So far we have...

  • Port number is: 1433 :white_check_mark:
  • Instance name is: SQLEXPRESS03 :white_check_mark:

Now show me the MSSQL config node settings

Also, remember to delete ALL config nodes except 1

how can I delete them, please

As I showed you...

  1. Select config
  2. click pencil
  3. click delete
  4. click done
  5. goto step 1 & do it again
1 Like

I got it thanks a lot :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: lol I delete them

Now if you put a SQL username and password in, Update & Deploy

then test a simple query something like ...

SELECT 1 as [one], GetDate() as [now]

What happens?

Is the SQL Server on the same computer as node-red?

If YES - try again with the server field set to\SQLEXPRESS03 in MSSQL Config

I am using Windows authorization so no need to put the user name and password.

Yes they are on the same PC.


As I said below...

yes its work

I think the issue here

If node-red and the SQL server are on the same machine then the loopback address ( should work.

Are you running any of these in docker?

Hi, mate so I have to change all IPs to

Do you know what loopback address is? It is something built in to the OS. means? It is (mostly) associated with localhost or THIS COMPUTER
Read up - localhost - Wikipedia.

So to answer your question -

No - it should work!

HOWEVER there is a BUT

:point_up_2: Cannot advise until you answer :point_up_2:

What do you mean by in docker, please?

Is node-red or SQL Server running in a Virtual Machine or a container or docker environment?

OR are node-red AND SQL Server both installed DIRECTLY in windows AND on the SAME windows computer?

Can you show me all entries in this list :point_up_2:

The node-red AND SQL Server both installed DIRECTLY in windows AND on the SAME windows.