So I have been getting my feet wet with Node Red in Home Assistant. I am developing an app on a different platform and want to generate flows from that app into a JSON file to be imported into Node Red.
It may be that I am not using the proper search terms, but for the life of me, I cannot find a schema for the structure of the JSON files.
I could reverse engineer in theory for example flows exported but that seems like a lot of potential trial and error. Surely a schema is documented somewhere.
Can someone point me to where this may be?
It may seem "simple", but every node in a flow has its own properties.
I would suggest to create a 'template', export the json and use it as a blueprint.
Thanks. I have done some experimenting with just getting templates from different nodes and combos and see what you mean.
I guess for me was just wondering if there was some bare minimums as far as supported / mandatory keys by all nodes and if there are any guidelines for those, such as ID's (minimum characters, or just unique), etc.
From my playing around on taking things out and re-importing, it seems like I can generate some minimal JSON for the nodes to import in and still be good.