I have a Dropdown Node where I am Injecting 5 Options and setting 1 option as default , I am able to achieve this I need help in When I refresh the web page (F5) I want the Dropdown node to set it at the default option , as of now dropdown node shows the selected option when I refresh not the default value
Any Help would be appreciated
Thank You
You can use the ui-control node to detect a reconnect/refresh, then send the payload to set default.
Hi @E1cid
I am Currently Trying To Do that But unable to make it work so far , can you please share any example on how to do this would be really helpful
Thank You
if you provide an example flow, i would be happy to edit it to provide an example.
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I meant a simple example I could add to to show you how. You need to think how can i give info in a concise way, then more people would jump into help.
here is one way to reload options on page refresh.
I noticed you are using J: to enter objects, that is overkill as you do not need the JSONata package. You can use json {} but you have to use double quotes as single are not json valid.
here is example
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Hi @E1cid
Thanks for the example It solved my issue . I will keep that in mind for next time I ask a question
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