Insert flow variables in message payloads

Hi everyone,
here comes another easy challenge for the Node-Red pros among you :smile: Following situation: Based on a certain trigger, I would like to send a message payload to an Alexa node that contains data from some flow variables I defined.

Here is my example for the msg.payload I would like to create from a change node using the JSONata editor:

"Outside temperature is about "& flow.get("OutsideTemp") &" degrees at "& flow.get("Humidity") &" % humidity"

Unfortunately, the variables get simply ignored when creating the actual object. Now tell me what´s the trick to integrate flow variables into messages :mage:

I will do this myself in a function node.
In a function node you concatenate strings with a + instead &.

msg.payload= "Outside temperature is about "+ flow.get("OutsideTemp") +" degrees at "+ flow.get("Humidity") +" % humidity"
return msg
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In JSONata expression it would be $flowContext("OutsideTemp") not flow.get

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Beautiful :smiley: Thanks both @edje11 & @E1cid for the quick response!

Here's a picture of my flow to get a report on my Raspberry Pi.

And here's what 'Format response' looks like using Javascript...

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