Interactive Workshop: Dashboard 2.0

Just a heads up... @joepavitt is running a dashboard 2 "Crash Course" on the 2nd July that may be of interest: Dashboard Crash Course • FlowFuse


It will be broadcast there live, and available for replay after


Do you expect the "Branding and Styling" section to cover the overall dashboard theme, or the possibilities for styling individual widgets @joepavitt ?

Clearly the flow fuse dashboard offers much more options for customising the overall dashboard look.
I'm not sure how much customisation of individual widgets, the sort of thing we could just about do with CSS in dashboard 1, is available in the new dashboard.

Probably plenty to occupy more than an hour in each of those!

Definitely the former, basic theming, as well as the use of Teleports (a new concept in D2.0) to customise content/branding too.

Then I'll try and include one or two CSS override examples as well.

Worth noting, it won't be fully scripted, I'll have an objective of what I want to build, but if there are requests and feedback as we go in the workshop, I'll try and divert a little to address them.

You have complete control over everything, CSS overrides still work, but because we build on the Vuetify Framework, some of the CSS overrides a little unintuitive.

As I've seen repetitive requests for CSS overrides, i've documented them here: UI Template Examples | Node-RED Dashboard 2.0

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if there is anything in particular people would like to see, please do let me know!

I'm here down-under in Australia .. your scheduld time is just after midnight for us here .. will your session be recorded so we can watch it or would you provide an alternative slot.

I really would love to join your session

Absolutely, will all be available online afterwards too. If you sign up anyway, you'll be sent links as soon as they're available too.

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thats good to know... sign-up done :wink:

Topic of interest for me are:

  • dynamic updates for your standard widgets (I think its partialy done already)
  • update of ui-template content when refresh/f5 of pages .. usually active elements (like sliders) will reset to default/init value after refresh/f5
  • best practice to position elements on screen (.. why/when are elements are getting into a differen sequence/layout)

I had subscribed to attend the workshop, but had to work later unexptected due to production issues at my daily job.

Have seen the recording of the workshop tonight, and it is a really useful introduction into dashboard D2. I can recommend it to anybody interested in dashboard D2! Because it offers a nice overview, that touches a lot of stuff...

I think that Joe must have been rather exhausted after such a live show :yum:


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