Interesting Sonoff device iHost

Sonoff introduced a new device "iHost" to manage "smart" devices - locally, it might appear as a hub, but it can do zigbee/matter (planned)/BT and it can also run docker containers, including node-red (they even advertise with it), it also has an interface to program automations.

The software seems in rough state atm (see preview) and I wonder how far the device support will go for zigbee, if it only supports sonoff in its interface would be very limiting. Then again, I can imagine it could support/run zigbee2mqtt.


Yes - that does look interesting - especially as it seems to be mainly local - but with cloud if you want it... rather than the other way round.

In case anyone is still interested in this hub, I received one today and spent about an hour playing with it. In that time, I was able to connect it to my home network, link it to my account on their server, download a firmware update, and add one Zigbee device (a Sonoff temperature/humidity sensor). The sensor seems to be connected locally only, since it is not visible in the phone app.

The process needed one hard reboot (pulling the power plug), possibly because I was too impatient to wait for it to complete an operation. The iHost seems very slow at times. The next test will come when I fit it with an SD card and install the docker add-ons needed to run Node-RED and transfer my one other Sonoff device from their server to local control. So far, the experience has been satisfactory but not overwhelming. I'll post again if anything especially good or bad happens.


With a few hours more effort, I've been able to install an SD card with add-ons for wifi (non-Zigbee) devices and Node-RED. My devices can be controlled from NR, and in a pinch I could set up useful automations from the iHost. On the downside, mqtt is not working, and I don't see a way to make it happen without modifying docker containers -- not in my repertoire yet. This is not a finished product, either in capability nor in software quality. The firmware has bugs, the ui is rough in spots, and the NR nodes need work. I will give this project a rest for a while and see what improvements come from the manufacturer and the developer community. I'd be happy to help anyone who wants to advance the ball from here.

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Thanks a lot for the info. I have it sitting here in a box as well, keeping track via google if there is a any progress on the software end before I take a look at it. It is brand new, more users will get exposed now, hopefully improvements will follow soon.

G'day I am a newbie.

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Maybe ?

I too am interested; A year past it is 2024 and my conversations is new to this historical event. New out of the box, firmware upgraded, node-red installed as per YouTube DIY, I now know everything that will ever be...

What a load of crap,

So yes, I have a sense of humor but also discouraged all at the same time. I say look at how easy this is, yet how complicated or at least I am learning what I got myself into, and this will no longer be a simple task to complete.

So ... I've installed my Node-red on SonOff's iHost Hub using its native installation kit to the SD card. This was a challenge at first because out of the three cards I had ... I ended up having to go to staples and buy a 64GB right out of the box. Stupid windows - I think they sabotaged my old cards from being used anywhere else.

From what I can tell "Node-Red" has been around a lot longer than what I knew of, as of two months ago, ... And is known to be used everywhere else but here? Here meaning, I only want to know what pertains to SonOff's iHost hub with 4G. So most of the information I find does not appear to be directly related just for SonOff's hub, some appear on Rasbery pies and dos shells ?

After installing Node-Red to which I believe may be incorrectly done, I have only been able to install or run node red as a Host and not a bridge. Most of the videos may have been from earlier versions when the ihost was in the process of upgrading, but I should have the latest software installed on it from the upgrades I have done. However, the videos show how to install as a bridge. To which I cannot. I will have to uninstall it for a third time to take snap shots of my attempts and the errors I get.

For less than 2 months, I have learned how to add device nodes to my pallet, but so far my logic is flawed, as wiring assumed I need some adjustments of my normal process. Inputs and outputs are not as easy to understand. As an electrician open and closed to a plumber have two different meanings of flow. Zigbee folks appear to be plumbers, and its not the first video I have come across. I have returned all of mine so far to Amazon because of weird data feedback.

Has anyone had any luck with: Flic, Meross, Leviton, and of course eWeLink. I have accepted my tokens and have no experience of javascript ...

Where do I begin ?

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I've installed my Node-red on iHost...
...After installing Node-Red to which I believe may be incorrect
...I have only been able to install or run node red as a host and not a bridge

What are your questions exactly ? (please keep it to the point).

Is node-red running on ihost ?
How did you install it ? Via the docker container ?

I have it running as a host on the iHost sonoff hub.

iHost hub by Sonoff. With native installer on the device itself. Insert a new SD card , fresh out of the box, having installed node red as per videos, except the videos on youtube are more than a year old, and the firmware I have is more up to date than when the videos I watched were released. I have a PDF to show but the error specifically states "Failed to run. Please set network in optional settings as host"

These are screen shots !

[Forced to run as a Host.pdf]

Sorry, new users can not upload attachments.

As a newbie I am following these topics to learn further. Simply by typing "ihost" into the magnifying glass.

An error occurred: Sorry, new users can only put 2 links in a post.

Node-RED in docker container on SONOFF iHost - General - Node-RED Forum (

Extract data from payload (sonoff ihost) - General - Node-RED Forum (

Personally I would begin with a Raspberry Pi, cheaper and more powerful, with way more support.

But I guess that depends if there is a particular reason for you wanting to use this device ?

You didn't really ask any specific questions, so not sure what else to say.

Gotcha, I thought with less to go wrong, Flic hub just works, iHost too!

I just wanted to learn more about NodeRed - matter and meshing my device to replace what I currently use for programable PLC logic. And thought Node Red would be an alternate replacement to my slc 500. But perhaps I cannot not pick up the lingo of this new generation of programming and my commodore 64 machine language days are over. Most of the videos I watch are simply using lingo my generation has never had.

My iHost works well, as for specific questions, I will write them out again as I am new to using this portal of communication.

Without being able to post images I find it hard to convey what I see on the screen that is bugging me.

For instance, "do I really need to learn Javascrpt before using NodeRed." ?

After installing Node-Red to which I believe may be incorrectly done, I have only been able to install or run node red as a Host and not a bridge .

Is this an issue ?

Many of the videos I have watched on YouTube are from the earlier days of installation for the SonOff iHost Hub specifically. Videos show that node red is ran as a bridge , and when I get this error "failed to run, please set network in operation settings as host" does this just mean that I am to ignore the youtube videos methods as though perhaps the option of bridge may be replaced by a host. its as thought the option no longer exist.

Perhaps learning to start off through YouTube examples is not the way to go. And perhaps my own topic or discussion is where I need to post my questions or continue this conversation. Of the five items I have found specifically on the iHost "node red" application, most people are running it on more sophisticated device such as A raspberry pie, or windows to which I do not want to get involved with.

Continuation of a closed subject "SonOff iHost Hub - security" - General - Node-RED Forum (

It is not necessarily an issue.

But to start - did you create a "volume" ? You will need this so that node-red can store the flows, else it will be stored inside the container and once you update the container, the information will be gone as containers should be considered immutable.

Then run the container as:

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I'd like to say yes,

  • I created a volume /data , does it need to be called "node-red-data"
  • I also created a volume /automation
  • Confirmed :slightly_smiling_face:

Next image

Red bubble # 1 .... I did not enter anything into this Host volume , leaving it blank when installing it or running it. I must have missed that in the videos I was watching. So I will uninstall it, and go for at third attempt.

Oh this is good stuff !

/data is good too, it is something that it can bind/map to on the filesystem.

Once you create/start the container, the volume needs to be attached so that it can store the on the 'volume'

  • Okay so , I am keeping host, (Host, bridge, None) ? docker docks
  • I have used your example word for word, imagining I will have a /data and a /automation folder on the SD card that will never ever be used, maybe I will delete them one day.
  • I set up the volume, the host volume for that "node-red-data"
  • I have no idea what to do with the environment variables or command so I will leave those blank again just like I oops before my ... (... this is my 3 installment)
  • Ram, CPU all blank.
  • Clicking my microphone and speaker and hitting 'run'

Yes should be good to go.

Awesome, and thank you by the way. I have also joined other groups like github, although I think their website is way above my understanding. I think I am too many generations behind the making of the wheel. I have also put up a topic on the flic website to see if I can get any feedback.