Look differ laptop/touch display 1024x600px

I use on a rasppi a touch display with 1024x600 resolution.
On my laptop I use a viewport same resulution to simulate the look an feel.
there is a difference.
On the original touch display, there seems to be less space for text.

What can I do, where can I look to solve the problem?

example touch (red circle)

example laptop

Looks like a font difference. Probably the default (or chosen) font is not available in both OS.

Try setting the body font or add a class style


I think "Trebuchet MS" was not installed on raspberry. So the browser took "sans-serif" or something else.
I installed

sudo apt --reinstall install ttf-mscorefonts-installer

and it looks good so far.
Was this the right way?
Thank you!

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