I develop my project on my windows laptop with (at the moment) node-red rev 1.1.2 (for no particular reason i just don't update that often). I also deploy/copy this project to other windows machines and this process has been working well.
Until today when I installed on a new server which had the latest node-red rev 1.2.6 and found my S7-node end points were all removed from the node configuration. This results in the s7nodes not having a configured connection to a PLC.
To fix i just installed the older rev of node-red. I am wondering what is as fault here? Am I doing anything wrong? Is it node-red or is it the S7 nodes?
I can see the end points in the configuration tab (for the parent flow) , but they are not seen in the s7 nodes within the subflow.
Further to my above post..
I never resolved the issue and would now like to post again this time with some more info. In addition to the s7 node i get the same behaviour with the node-red-node-sqlite! So i think this is a general issue related to node-red and not the contrib nodes.
With both of these nodes I lose the configuration node from the subflow when i restart node-red. The configuration node is removed from the subflow and appears in the parent flow. I had been using env variables to pass things like ip address to these configurations, that is why they are created from within a subflow.
Yes node-red-contrib-s7 (v2.2.1). Thanks for the link. I think my issue is different as I am not using v3.0.0 of the s7 contrib node.
Keeping the same rev of the s7 node and installing an older rev of node-red fixes the issue. I shall test with various revisions today.
Starting at node-red rev 1.1.2 I sequentially updated, breakage occurs when i upgrade node-red from 1.2.3 -> 1.2.4.
1.1.2 - works
1.2.0 - works
1.2.1 - works
1.2.2 - works
1.2.3 - works
1.2.4 - failure to retain s7 nodes configuration.
Also, the s7 nodes are instanced from within a sub flow. To fix I had to re create all the plc end points again and reconfigure the s7 nodes with rev 1.2.4. After i did this it was all fine.
Then i updated node-red to 1.2.6 and I have issues again. It seems that the configuration node is somehow now in my flow1 tab in addition to being in the subflow.