@flowfuse/mode-red-dashboard however, is not in the first 10 results.
In fact it's not in the +110 more results either, it's nowhere!
That's with default sort order - relevance.
Shouldn't node-red-dashboard get banished lower down the list and dashboard-2 somehow promoted?
Where would/should we stop with this idea. should we start shadow banning/deranking software that is old, not to our liking.
The search term matched well so it came up first. if I search @flowfuse, dashboard2 is number one.
As it would because it is the best match for the search term dashboard.
As a newcomer I would hope you research the available dashboards, maybe look at the flow library and github, check when last updated, read some reviews etc.
I've asked in the past to change this comparison to a more "real" algorithm based on many factors but I don't know if Nick has had time to look at it.
It's very much this. Internally within FlowFuse we've discussed the same. The ability to mark packages as deprecated is important addition I think, and is not discriminatory.
Search order is then quite tricky, some level of "popularity" should be considered based on all matches that get a string match. The popularity metric is the tricky part.
And I agree, it is "relevance" sorted by default - not sure quite what the calculation for that is. It is #19 I think for alphabetically sorted. It is #9 if sorted by date.
There should be a flag in library to mark a package deprecated, and that flag should show in the palette as a to notify, but this should not deranked a node,. deranking/order should be about downloads and last updated, this way a deprecated node would move down naturally over time.
There should also be a flag about known security vulnerabilities to.
If you show the node some love it would rank higher in the search results. Node developers who want a better ranking would be incentified to update/add features.
I don't see any other way of ranking except name, download and last updated.
One thing I have just raised is that there are entries in the catalogue that no longer have a corresponding entry in npm. So there appears to be some tidying needed.
It does not need any additional features. It does what it is supposed to do.
The presence of a github repository that allows issues to be submitted, and how many open issues there are might be helpful.
Also the number of stars in its rating.
I think he was referring to the fact that some developers are just doing the bare minimum (what makes UI poor). There are also nodes that still haven't migrated to the config node.
Not sure star rating is reliable also, as low usage nodes can have a five star, due to only one ranking and high downloads nodes can get more low star ratings due to not knowing how to use the node.
Do we count open issues? As dashboard 2 is at 350ish and dashboard 80ish
One last input
I think we should keep this as simple as possible and allow users to do their due diligence. Possibly an option to sort by download, update, rating and flags.