Manage Palette 'dashboard'

I kind of assumed, but don't really know, that the relevance came from the npm equivalent search.

Yes that is how it is sorted now, my question was really for new/additional ways.

There are a number of API's that will highlight things like code quality, number of GitHub stars, etc. These could possibly be brought into the catalogue?

Otherwise, perhaps we need an FAQ for people without the experience to be able to spot likely good and poor packages?


I considered an alternative sort order using a sort key comprising

Package is deprecated ? 1 : 0 plus
Package name contains the search term ? 0 : 1 plus
Package name stripped of @[^\/]*\/ and node-red- and contrib-

Unfortunately the sort I'm playing with is not behaving the way I expected: I can't understand why 00dashboard-2 sorts above 00dashboard.
No time to play with this any more. If it worked, I'd also try it against search term "mysql"

A few package names and sort keys

pi@Zero2Pink:~ $ cat junk
01ui_clock      node-red-contrib-ui-clock
00dashboard     node-red-dashboard
00dashboard-2-ui-scheduler      @cgjgh/node-red-dashboard-2-ui-scheduler
00dashboard-2-ui-slide-confirm  @cgjgh/node-red-dashboard-2-ui-slide-confirm
00dashboard-2-ui-gauge-classic  @colinl/node-red-dashboard-2-ui-gauge-classic
00dashboard-average-bars        node-red-contrib-dashboard-average-bars
00mdashboard    node-red-contrib-mdashboard
00dashboard     @flowfuse/node-red-dashboard
pi@Zero2Pink:~ $ sort -k1 junk
00dashboard-2-ui-gauge-classic  @colinl/node-red-dashboard-2-ui-gauge-classic
00dashboard-2-ui-scheduler      @cgjgh/node-red-dashboard-2-ui-scheduler
00dashboard-2-ui-slide-confirm  @cgjgh/node-red-dashboard-2-ui-slide-confirm
00dashboard-average-bars        node-red-contrib-dashboard-average-bars
00dashboard     @flowfuse/node-red-dashboard
00dashboard     node-red-dashboard
00mdashboard    node-red-contrib-mdashboard
01ui_clock      node-red-contrib-ui-clock

Was hoping for

00dashboard     @flowfuse/node-red-dashboard
00dashboard     node-red-dashboard
00dashboard-2-ui-gauge-classic  @colinl/node-red-dashboard-2-ui-gauge-classic
00dashboard-2-ui-scheduler      @cgjgh/node-red-dashboard-2-ui-scheduler
00dashboard-2-ui-slide-confirm  @cgjgh/node-red-dashboard-2-ui-slide-confirm
00dashboard-average-bars        node-red-contrib-dashboard-average-bars
00mdashboard    node-red-contrib-mdashboard
01ui_clock      node-red-contrib-ui-clock

"Issues" aren't always negative though. The majority of Dashboard 2.0's issues are feature requests and items for planning

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Good point