New dashboard @flowfuse/node-red-dashboard

Hello, I am new with node-red, I installed the latest version V4.0.2 and it works fine, but when it comes to importing other boards it gives me problems because I cannot configure them to be seen on the 2.0 board in the configuration menus where promote the groups, it seems that configurations are missing regarding the new ones you have in the dashboard @flowfuse/node-red-dashboard thank you.

So are you wanting to use Dashboard V1 (now on maintainence/lifesupport) or wanting to start from scratch in Dashboad 2 ?

Dashboard V1 is installed by default, you have to add Dashboard V2 through the pallete manager


I didn't think any dashboards installed by default, had to do either from pallete manager, or am I wrong?


You are correct. The old dashboard is the package node-red-dashboard and Dashboard 2 is @flowfuse/node-red-dashboard. They each have to be installed to use them.

Hello, thanks for answering everyone, the problem I have is that I cannot use nodes from the dashboard panel in dashboaad 2, nor nodes created by third parties in dasboard 2, some yes, and others no, I think it is a problem when it comes to represent in the groups, or if there is some way to edit the nodes to make them work in dasboard 2, than the last one. thank you

  1. What do you mean by 'importing other boards'?

  2. you can not use nodes built for dashboard 1 in dashboard 2. You can only use dashboard 2 nodes. This might help you with dashboard 2:

There does seem to be an issue there. You are correct some work and some don't in dashboard 2 and as far as I can tell there isn't a good way to tell except install it and see if it works. I think there should be some kind of flag that says db2 compliant or whatever but that probably is an unworkable solution. There are thousands of nodes and getting everyone on board could be impossible

Can you give an example of one which does not work please? Any dashboard 2 UI node that you have to install separately will have dashboard-2 in the name.

Who are you asking for example?

Hello, for example, this one worked for me on dashboard2: @flowfuse/node-red-dashboard-2-ui-led : ui-led, it worked for me, however this other one, I can't get it

All the best

That is a dashboard 1 node and won't work in dashboard 2. You could open an issue on GitHub asking the author to update it for dashboard 2.

Anyone who has this problem.

Any dashboard 2 node will, I believe, have dashboard-2 in the name, if it doesn't then it won't work.

Colin is correct here, we prescribe that any node for Dashboard 2.0 has node-red-dashboard-2 at the start of its name

Hence node-red-dashboard-2-ui-led works but @studiobox/node-red-contrib-ui-widget-humidity-tree does not.

Didn't get the memo about the db2 node naming protocol. That helps

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