Can't seem to identify my problem here.
I ran NodeRed 0.19.2 so far, which I installed 2 yrs or so ago. I do not remember any details of the installation process and actually the node.js thing is also a black box to me.
I thought I'd try nodered docker container for once as I used (really just used) some other Docker containers recently.
Getting the Node-Red v1.0.3 docker container running is easy.
I can even run my old NodeRed and the new one in parallel using different ports.
I have backed up ~/.node-red to save all my flows, just in case, but kept the folder as it is - mostly (see below). Now i actually just want to simply run:
docker run -it -p 1880:1880 -v /home/sebastian/.node-red/:/data/ --name mynodered nodered/node-red
As shown in the documentation, using the -v parameter to tell Docker to map the old Node-Red datapath containing configuration and flows to the docker container and use it.
When i started the docker container first it complained that credentials have been crypted with a host secret and i shall use a secret in the config file to be able to use the settings. Thats why i think the mapping of the folder is correct.
However, after I set a secret in the settings, restarted my old nodered (just to make sure it will re-crypt the stored credentials) and then stopped it and started the docker container again, the flows are not shown in the WebUi.
Also I chown'ed the settings folder to 1000:1000 as I read somewhere.
How can I smoothly transfer my flows to the dockerized NodeRed. It must be possible, but probably I forgot one tiny detail. Any obvious mistakes? I can't find any hints how to migrate to dockerized nodered. Thanks for your help!