Modbus sendet "Read -> startIntervalReading node" nach Neuinstallation NodeRed

Due to some issues in virtualization I had to re-setup my NodeRed VM. Now the basis is Ubuntu 24.04.1 (before 22.04.5) and Nodered is 4.0.3.
I copied the whole .node-red folder and restarted Nodered. Everything available again.
BUT: Now I often get messages like

"Read -> resetIntervalToRead node 8eb943eafa5f7625 address: 0X484"
"Read -> resetIntervalToRead node 5956e716afe1d287 address: 0x584"
"Read -> startIntervalReading node 8eb943eafa5f7625 address: 0X484"
"Read -> startIntervalReading node 5956e716afe1d287 address: 0x584"

I haven't had this before?!? What's the reason?
In the modbus server-configuration I deselected already all Logs and Warnings...

Any ideas?

You should not copy node_modules

in fact, you should stop node-red, delete .node-red/node_modules, run npm install inside .node-red

Some nodes have compiled parts and may need rebuilding.

Also, check/ensure all installed nodes are up-to-date.

Also make sure all your installed nodes are using the latest versions. Check in Manage Palette.

All nodes have been updated...

Assuming that you have already followed Steve's advice then you might be best to ask on the node's github page.

I can see where the message is generated in the code but it is not clear what the significance is.

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