I want to send my temperature sensor data on a remote sensor. Node Red , mosquitto broker has been installed already.
I am accessing my remote Server by using vpn. My mqtt Client is connected to my home Network.
Remote Server IP :
mqtt Client IP:
I am trying to send data from Client to remote Server but no way. Need your help.
It's probably best to provide more detailed information.
You say:
Node Red , mosquitto broker has been installed already.
Installed on what?
You say:
My mqtt Client is connected to my home Network
Connected how?
You conclude:
I am trying to send data from Client to remote Server but no way. Need your help.
MQTT is a publish and subscribe paradigm. Your client (whatever it is) needs to get that sensor data to an MQTT client with a topic and maybe some security credentials for your MQTT broker.
Your MQTT broker is using a userid and password (basic authentication) or open?
Details matter, unfortunately.
You have posted, but have not provided many details, to be honest.
Case 1:
i was sending a senosr data from mqtt Client (Arduino+ethernetshield+dht11) to mqtt Broker(PC). In this case my mqtt Client and mqtt broker (PC) were connected to my home router. It worked fine.
Case 2:
Now my mqtt broker is not on my PC. It is installed on a remote Server. It means now my mqtt Client and mqtt broker are not connected to same Network.
How can i send data now?
Note: 1883 port on remote Server is open