Need for a "global" group

I have a need for the same field to appear on every page. Example is an LED that flashes green to indicate that data is being received and that the Pi has not hung. Also a command line at the bottom of the screen with a status field to the right.

At the minute I have to have multiple groups, one for each page, with the LED etc duplicated on each page.

It would be simpler if I could just designate a group to be "global" across all pages. As I am up to seven pages, it is beginning look a little complicated.

An alternative would be the ability for a dashboard object to appear in multiple groups, but that might be a bigger job.

Isn't this what the Widget (UI-Scoped) option type is for, to make a Widget available across all pages rather than just in one group or page?

Yes, this, or you can use Teleports to place it in the navigation header which would work really nicely for this kind of use case, but would involce a bit of custom HTML/CSS to render the content you're after.

Did note that the post wasnt tagged as "dashboard-2" though (docs here) which you may want to consider, as the original Dashboard is now deprecated.

Perfect. That looks better. Thank You.

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