[Violation] 'mousedown' handler took 265ms
[Violation] Added non-passive event listener to a scroll-blocking 'touchstart' event. Consider marking event handler as 'passive' to make the page more responsive. See https://www.chromestatus.com/feature/5745543795965952
Restart node-RED - still the same
Tried 'incognito' browser window, and works OK
So must have been a browser caching issue, which didn't clear when using F5, but shift-F5 did clear the problem.
(The click-right menu issue mentioned above still persists)
Ctrl + click to add a node issue happens to me also
doesn't show when you are at the top of the flow but
it happens when we scroll further down the flow and ctlr-click
(tested firefox - chrome)
Not that it helps, but no obvious issues with the right click context menu on my chromebook (connecting to a clean install of the node-red beta on ubuntu to ensure no 'garbage' in the config).
And as a bonus, I can now easily make junctions, which I couldn't before in beta2 with the keyboard/mouse shortcut route (on a chromebook).
Perhaps related: I cannot type an @ via option + l (Small letter 'L') on Mac ... in any of the input fields (might it be code of a function node or just to define a label). Confirmed to be OK on 2.2.2.
Some additional information: I guess this effect is related to the (keyboard) shortcut system of node-red. v3.0 introduces new shortcuts, in that special case "option + l" - which wasn't used in v2.2.2. Those shortcuts are always present ... and block the standard keyboard operation when typing into an input field.
An example: Open a function node, put the focus into the script editor field ... and push "option + w". This should create the letter "∑" - it yet hides the current flow! I can reproduce that behaviour in v2.2.2 as well as v3.0-beta.
Preliminary summary: This is not a distinct v3.0 issue - but rather a general node-red (design?) topic. Despite I'm uncertain if this behavior is intended or documented, it feels wrong for me. Let me propose to raise an issue "Mac: Keyboard shortcuts always active; prevent standard keyboard operation in input fields." Any better denomination welcome.