My Node Red runs in iobroker, on Windows10 Pro. I want to give Node Red access to one (or all) of my USB ports, to access my Rfxtrx 433 device (it is on USB4)
I am trying to use the Rfxcom nodes, but trying to configure the device it does not look as if I have access to the USB ports on my machine. I guess I need to configure that in iobroker, but dont know how
I have a rfx sensor node, and configured the serial port as /dev/ttyUSB4, but it just says disconnected under the rfx sensor node (I have tried anything from USB0 to 4). I have attached a debug to the sensor node (show complete message) but nothing is showing in the debug window
That is not a Windows USB port. They are things like COM3:
To see available COM ports, open "device manager", turn on "show hidden" and they should show up as "Ports (COM & LPT)"
It is on USB4. I checked in the device manager on the events, which shows
Device FTDIBUS\VID_0403+PID_6001+A1Y17NPPA\0000 was configured.
Driver Name: oem19.inf
Class Guid: {4d36e978-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
Driver Date: 08/16/2017
Driver Version:
Driver Provider: FTDI
Driver Section: FtdiPort.NTamd64
Driver Rank: 0xFF0000
Matching Device Id: FTDIBUS\COMPORT&VID_0403&PID_6001
Outranked Drivers:
Device Updated: false
Parent Device: USB\VID_0403&PID_6001\A1Y17NPP
So the serial port you need to use in Windows is COM4:
Possibly the port needs a specific configuration - you would need to check the devices documentation for that. Or possibly ioBroker is getting in the way, I don't use it so I can't help there.
I would usually stop node-red and use a command line tool to connect to the serial port to make sure it is talking and that I know what settings to use.
Also check and make sure nothing else has grabbed the port. Typically only one app/service can connect to a serial port at one time.
You could also delete the rfx node and use a standard serial node to see if you can get any data out.
That was it. My Homeseer system was still using the USB port to read data from the Rfxtrx. After I turned it off, data started flowing !
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