Node-red-contrib-chatbot 1.0.0

A new version of RedBot was released today, the biggest change is Mission Control: a persistance layer and pluggable control panel for RedBot’s bots.

Key features:

  • Storage for inbound and outbound messages (SQLite)
  • Chatbot user management and persisted chat context (SQLite)
  • Admins management with multiple roles
  • Basic Content Management System with custom fields
  • Chatbot simulator
  • GraphQL endpoint to access SQLite database
  • New Node-RED nodes (MC GraphQL, MC Simulator, etc)
  • Plugins repository for additional features
  • Pluggable and open architecture
  • Docker image

Read more about this new release here

RedBot is set of nodes to visually build a full featured chat bot for Telegram, Facebook Messenger, Slack, Alexa, Twilio and Viber with Node-RED.

To install

npm install node-red-contrib-chatbot

I have never looked into redbot before, but I would like to compliment you for the extensive documentation, very clear and readable description of all properties. Truly awesome work.

The NLP part peeked my interest, although the documentation is clear, there is no direction on how to "glue" those parts together (ie. training and applying them), unless i overlooked the documentation (i think i found it in the NLP train docs).

I see you have a dedicated discord server, perhaps you can have your own subcategory here directly on the forum ? (like ui-builder has - or maybe that works with tags?).


The support for Discord is quite limited, development is pretty much driven by the issues in GitHub (I see a request then I implement it).
Do you mean a subcategory for the RedBot project? Do I need special permissions for it (I cannot create a tag)?
