Node red dashboard using relays and authentication using badhe scans

Hey guys.
This is probably going to be a really simple question for most of you and i would appreciate the help.
So I'm trying to build a simple dashboard to automate a Vending machine.
I initially want the user to scan their badge
if its the right length of characters, only then should it show the door number listed 1-16 and they should be able to make a selection of the door/touch the button.
If its wrong i want it to display a message saying Please scan your badge again.
I don't want this text to be visible until/unless the verification process deems it wrong.

I got the verification procees down using the funtion node and switch but then after that its about nothing. I am using a relay to contrl the doors in the vending machine and i have that part settled too

Ill attach what i have so far for refference

Welcome to the forum @qureshi.

It's a bit hard to tell what your two flow pictures are supposed to be doing.

I can see you have a text input "Enter Badge#" wired up to a function node and then a button.
Can you explain what this button is for?

On the other picture you have a ui-control and 16 buttons; one for each door, and each connected to a function node. How do these buttons & functions relate to the verification flow?

Which part are you having problems with?
Do you see any error messages?

Is the question you are asking "How can I hide and show widgets on the dashboard"?

I want to hide and show based on what the user inputs

The button is pretty much useless right now. It it just there for the user to click/select when they enter the badge ID.
The buttons and functions are something I want to hide until the user is verified.
Once he is, I want the buttons to show on the dashboard and the user should be able to make the selection

If you are just setting out on this project you might want to consider dropping the old (deprecated) node-red-dashboard and moving to the new @flowfuse/node-red-dashboard.

For the popup message you can use a Notification node, and you can use CSS to show/hide the buttons.