Node-Red in Docker Backup - Flows location

perhaps I have overseen it. But my Docker is always restarting after my last Node-Red flow extensions. perhaps due to the node-red-contrib-ccu node. I did not store some flows with export but have a docker .tar export of the Node-Red container. Where can I find the flows to use them in a new container again? Docker is only mentioned to understand my environment. I think it is a Node-Red question in its file structure.


You can normally find them under the folder ~/.node-red/

Which docker image did you build from ?

More importantly what is your docker run command ?


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I used this image: Docker
and I started all on a synology with the standard parameters of the docker environment.

this is in the log: start /usr/src/node-red

node $NODE_OPTIONS node_modules/node-red/red.js -v $FLOWS "--userDir" "/data"

so have you looked in "~/data"?

Thank you, never looked to this start command parameters. I just found there some data but now need to ckeck, if they are really containing the lost flows I am searching for.

The node-red-docker readme has a section on managing user data -