Node-red no data in table, no icons .. (uibuilder,boostrap/vue)

Hello all, im new at node-red. I installed node-red with uibuilder yesterday. Now im reading some data from sensors (like dht, relays.. etc etc.. ) working good. But when i wanna put some icons and tables for better interpretation ill fail. Im using boostrap/vue examples: but i got nothing (no tables or icons)..
Please help me :sunny: / maybe i need to import some libraries idk..

  <div class="p-4">
    <b-icon icon="clock" animation="spin" font-scale="4" shift-v="8"></b-icon>
    <b-table striped hover :items="items"></b-table>

  export default {
    data() {
      return {
        items: [
          { age: 40, first_name: 'Dickerson', last_name: 'Macdonald' },
          { age: 21, first_name: 'Larsen', last_name: 'Shaw' },
          { age: 89, first_name: 'Geneva', last_name: 'Wilson' },
          { age: 38, first_name: 'Jami', last_name: 'Carney' }

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