Node-Red on Chromebook

Has anyone found a current instruction set for running Node-Red on a Chromebook?

There are a few different instructions on Reddit and around but all of them hit a snag at some point likely due to permissions or being out of date. I would rather start with something accurate and current than keep troubleshooting the installation.

Thanks for any help.

The best way might be to install GalliumOS instead of Chrome OS. I did it on my old ASUS Chromebook and it runs well. Unfortunately it has no charge at the moment so I can't try it but node-red should be a breeze to install as it is based on Ubuntu.

Might help if you list the things you've tried. I don't have one but this came up:

Once you have node.js installed, the rest should be easy enough?

As an example, I followed this:

Here is a short walk through on how to set up and run node-red on a Chromebook with crostini.

  1. Activate support for Linux apps on your Chromebook.Unfortunatly not all Chromebooks are created equal, some are still lacking this feature.
  2. Start the linux terminal (press the search button and type terminal)
  3. Make sure that everything is updated and fresh with:
    sudo apt update
  4. Upgrade everything to the latest version
    sudo apt upgrade
  5. Install build essentials (you might not need this, but having it is better than not).
    sudo apt install build-essential
  6. Install helper apps to retrieve stuff from the web (needed later on)
    sudo apt install curl
  7. Fetch and install Node JS
    curl -sL | sudo -E bash -sudo apt install -y nodejs
  8. Install the Node Package Manager and set it up
    sudo apt install npm && sudo npm i -g npm
  9. And finally install node-red
    sudo npm install -g --unsafe-perm node-red
  10. Find out what IP address your crostini container uses
    ip addr | grep "inet 100."
  11. Start node-red with the command
  12. Point your web-browser towards http://[container ip]:1880

Which got hung up on Step 7 with the combined curl fetch and install Node JS. I was able to install NodeJS following other methods but then could not get Step 8 to work (install npm).