Node-Red will not start after adding the open weather nodes

In such a situation the runtime part of the node might have raised an error & crashed.
This should be evident when Node-RED starts and displayed in your output.txt (if you create it as proposed before) - right after the launching sequnce...

Maybe time for a Black-Ops!
And a Disclaimer, I am not responsible if this creates a black hole in the Space Time Continuum

  1. Backup (duh!!), and make sure Node RED is not running

  2. Open up C:\Users\nbmaintenance\.node-red\package.json in notepad
    (or your fav JSON editor - i.e VSCode :wink:).

    In here will be a list of Nodes you have installed.
    remove the entry for the weather module if found - remember to adhere to the JSON formatting

    Screenshot 2023-12-13 at 08.55.49

  3. Delete the folder C:\Users\nbmaintenance\.node-red\node_modules

  4. CMD into C:\Users\nbmaintenance\.node-red
    and run npm install

    This will (hopefully) remove the offending node, and defragment the install, and will result in a stable system.

I think the same effect should be obtained by going into the .node-red folder and running
npm remove node-red-node-openweathermap
npm install node-red-node-openweathermap
If you get errors running the install then post the error here.

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I can run the uninstall command but this PC does not have internet access to the node library for installing nodes. I do have some whitelisted websites (including though. I have been installing nodes by accessing the node-red instance from a browser on another PC that has full internet access. Should I just try re-installing this in the same way?

I believe that the server needs access to the node library in order to install nodes, whether you do it using the command line or a browser. Running the browser on another PC should not make any difference. That may be why it has not installed correctly.
What do you see when you run the npm install command?

You could use the http request node to make a http request to the openweather map api, it is well documented. Then there would be no need to install the openweathermap node.


I checked this location in the package.json file and I do not see the openweathermap here

I also thought the 2 different ways of installing should not make a difference but cant help but wonder if that is the reason I am having issues. I assume if i run the install command it will fail because I have not internet access. I know there is a way to download the nodepackage to an online pc and move it over but I cant remember how to do that.

I might just use @E1cid suggestion and use the http request node but I will look into the functionality difference

How did you attempt to install it previously? You have at least managed to partially install it. That is why I would be interested to see the result of attempting to install it.

Can you not whitelist the npm repository?

I have previously installed all nodes by going the the node-red instance using the IP address of the offline PC in the browser of an online PC and opening up the manage pallet to install.

I may be able to whitelist the npm repository site... I guess I was just not sure there was only one repository website to whitelist?

have trouble?

When I tried that with a system that cannot access the internet I got an error installing it, and the log shows that it failed to do anything at all, so I don't know how, on your system, Manage Palette appears to think it is installed. That is why I would like to see the result of attempting to install it via the command line.

Edit added 'on your system' before Manage Palette as I realised that what I had written was ambiguous.

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