Nodes outside canvas?

Hi im on 3.0.2

I have nodes outside of canvas. It happened when importing. Any idea on how to bring them back?

Try to minimize the view until you hopefully see them again, then adjust their positions

Or Ctrl+A, then try to move everything until you see them, then adjust their positions

tried minimising but its still outside view. I can do CTRL A and then shift with arrow key but they have mashed up together its quite annoying.

it seems 3.1.3 has bigger canvas size ??

Import them again and this time position them so they are visible before clicking.

Alternatively update node red, which is a good idea anyway.

could you tell me what to type to get it upgraded

bash <(curl -sL

is that what should be runned on pi?

Yes, but generally best to update all the nodes to the latest versions first (using Manage Palette).

[Edit] Assuming you installed using that in the first place and are not using Docker or the Home Assistant node red plugin.

i have missed that step, could you tell me how to check everything is ok or what kind of problems I would be likely to run into so I can check. Would it be for example config related node information?

Perhaps the auto layout node from @BartButenaers can help here.

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Missed what step? Updating the nodes? If so then just do it now. Sometimes there are problems updating node red/nodejs before updating the nodes, but if the node red update went ok then you are ok.

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