Pasting examples: multiple ui-base config

When I paste examples from here to play around with Dashboard 2.0 examples, I end up adding additional ui-base nodes and I get errors to remove it.
Are there any tricks that I missed? Or is there a best naming practice that I should follow?

It was about same with DB1, alot of cleanup after such imports. Just there was no errors so the cleanup was not forced.

I've found that sharing DB stuff should be done with smallest possible junks. If it can be shared as code, do it instead of sharing configured node. If it is configuration only, describe or make an image.
All the rest is already even layout or ready made dashboard part, thus that would be acceptable.

For sure my post here will be missed and it doesn't make any big change but whoever can make it more visible, please do.

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Yeah, it's an annoyance I'm working on trying to improve. There are two options:

Removing After Import

  1. In the Node-RED Editor, click the "Config Nodes" tab on the right-hand side.
  2. Remove the newly added ui-base that was imported.
  3. Update the new ui-page that was added to point to your existing ui-base

Removing Before Import

  1. When you copy and paste the flow.json into the Import window, scan the json and remove the object which specifies the ui-base
  2. Once imported, you'll then need to update the ui-page entries that were imported to point to your existing ui-base

Have opened Improve UX when importing flows · Issue #548 · FlowFuse/node-red-dashboard · GitHub to ensure this is tracked

Thanks a lot. I think it is not too complicated to remember to delete the ui-base from the JSON file. Maybe on the Export page there could be an entry field where we could list all the node types that should be automatically excluded from the export. That would be an easy option for configuration items, not so much for actual nodes that have wires leading to them.

The technique I use is to Import, then, before deploying, move any pages to the original base, then delete the ui-base using Config Nodes in the menu. Then deploy.
In fact I think this also works if you have already deployed.

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